The most perfect simple aglio olio pasta recipe

aglio olio pasta recipe

The most perfect simple aglio olio pasta recipe


1 pound spaghetti

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

12 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

2 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley

The step of this aglio olio pasta recipe

1. The first step in making aglio e olio is to cook the spaghetti in a pot of boiling salted water until it is al dente. Once the spaghetti is cooked, it is important to reserve 1 cup of the pasta water before draining it. This pasta water will be used later in the recipe to help create the sauce.

2. Next, a large skillet is heated over medium heat and the olive oil is added. The sliced garlic is added to the oil and cooked until it is fragrant and golden brown. It is important to be careful when cooking the garlic, as it can burn easily. Once the garlic is cooked, the red pepper flakes are added, along with salt and black pepper to taste.

3. After the garlic and red pepper flakes have been cooked, the cooked spaghetti is added to the skillet and tossed with the garlic and oil mixture. If the pasta seems too dry, some of the reserved pasta water can be added to achieve the desired consistency.

4. Finally, the heat is turned off and the Parmesan cheese and freshly chopped parsley are added to the pasta. The pasta is tossed to combine everything and then served hot, garnished with additional Parmesan cheese and parsley, if desired.

This aglio e olio pasta recipe is a classic and delicious dish that is perfect for busy weeknights or for anyone who loves bold and flavorful Italian cuisine. Enjoy!

aglio olio pasta recipe

Additional details that may be helpful when making this recipe


The garlic should be thinly sliced to ensure that it cooks evenly and doesn't burn. If you prefer a milder garlic flavor, you can use fewer cloves or cook them for less time. If you prefer a stronger garlic flavor, you can use more cloves or cook them for a longer time.

Olive oil

It is important to use high-quality extra-virgin olive oil in this recipe, as the oil is one of the main flavors of the dish. Make sure to taste the oil before using it to make sure it has a good flavor. If the oil tastes rancid or off, it is best to use a different bottle.

Red pepper flakes

The red pepper flakes add a spicy kick to the dish, so you can adjust the amount to suit your taste. If you prefer a milder dish, you can use less red pepper flakes. If you like your food spicy, you can use more red pepper flakes.

Parmesan cheese

Freshly grated Parmesan cheese is best in this recipe, as the flavor will be stronger than pre-grated cheese. If you don't have Parmesan cheese, you can use Pecorino Romano cheese instead.


The parsley adds a fresh and herby flavor to the dish, as well as a pop of color. If you don't have parsley, you can use other fresh herbs, such as basil or thyme.

Pasta water

The reserved pasta water is used to help create the sauce, so be sure to reserve enough of it before draining the pasta. The amount of pasta water you need will depend on the dryness of the pasta and the desired consistency of the sauce.

Some more details and tips for making the perfect aglio e olio pasta


You can use any type of long pasta for this recipe, but spaghetti is the most traditional. Make sure to cook the pasta according to the package instructions until it is al dente.


Salt is an important ingredient in this recipe, as it brings out the flavors of the pasta, garlic, and oil. Be sure to add enough salt to the boiling water when cooking the pasta, as well as to the skillet when cooking the garlic and red pepper flakes.


Timing is important when making aglio e olio pasta. The garlic should be added to the hot oil just before the red pepper flakes, and the pasta should be added to the skillet immediately after the cheese and parsley. This will ensure that the garlic and red pepper flakes are cooked just enough and that the cheese and parsley are evenly distributed throughout the pasta.


Aglio e olio pasta is best served immediately after it is made, while it is still hot and the sauce is still creamy. You can garnish the dish with additional Parmesan cheese and parsley, if desired.


If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The pasta will keep for up to 2-3 days, but it is best to reheat it in a saucepan over low heat, adding a little bit of water or pasta water to help revive the sauce.


You can add other ingredients to the aglio e olio pasta to vary the flavor, such as sliced mushrooms, diced tomatoes, or chopped nuts. You can also use different types of pasta, such as linguine or fettuccine, or use a different type of cheese, such as Pecorino Romano or Grana Padano.

I hope these additional details and tips will help you make the perfect aglio e olio pasta!

How to add lots of garlic flavor when making Aglio Olio?

If you want to add a lot of garlic flavor to your Aglio Olio pasta, there are a few things you can do:

1) Use more garlic

You can increase the amount of garlic used in the recipe to add more flavor. You can use as much or as little garlic as you like, depending on your taste preferences.

2) Cook the garlic longer

Cooking the garlic for a longer time will allow it to caramelize, which will add more depth of flavor to the dish. Just make sure to keep an eye on the garlic so it doesn't burn.

3) Use a garlic press

If you want a stronger garlic flavor, you can use a garlic press to crush the garlic cloves. This will help to release more of the garlic's oils and flavor.

4) Roast the garlic

Roasting the garlic before adding it to the dish will add a rich, nutty flavor to the garlic and to the dish as a whole. To roast garlic, simply wrap the garlic cloves in foil and bake in a 400°F oven for 20-30 minutes, or until the garlic is soft and fragrant.

5) Add garlic oil

You can also add garlic-infused oil to the dish. To make garlic oil, simply heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat and add sliced garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes, or until the garlic is fragrant, then strain the garlic from the oil and use the oil in the recipe.

By using one or a combination of these methods, you can add as much garlic flavor as you like to your Aglio Olio pasta. Enjoy!

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